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***NEW FOR 2025*** Cornfield Annual Wildflower Seed 100%


SOH3 Multi-Species Summer Sown Cover Crop (25kg)

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***NEW FOR 2025*** Buffer Strip Wildlife Cover Crop – Yellow Hammer (20kg)


In Spring 2024 we sowed this cover crop mix as a 6m buffer strip around our arable fields and now we have made this seed mix available to you! NEW FOR 2025***

When planted in the spring the mustard will flower then set seed, producing an invaluable feed source through the winter.

30% Kale
0.5% Teasel
44.5% Mustard
25% Quinoa
Sow APRIL-JUNE 6-8kg/acre

“The UK yellowhammer population has declined by 61% since 1967. The main factor is low overwinter survival, probably because fewer seed food sources are available to them on farmland.” ~ RSPB

Yellowhammer chicks depend largely on insects for food. Adults also feed on insects in the breeding season. Wide margins around arable fields provide many insects as well as nesting habitat. A variety of field margins including flower-rich margins will provide habitat for a wider range of insects.

As show in photos attached we also sowed this flower-rich margin around the cover crop ***NEW FOR 2025*** Cornfield Annual Wildflower Seed 100% – Wild Wales Seeds

We will count the numbers we have now (along with other farmland bird species), and monitor any changes. This work will further shape the help and management we want to provide.

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Weight 20 kg


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